Humor is, of course, completely subjective. But the following books caused me to laugh aloud and/or spew a beverage while reading. They're not all new, but they are all available on Amazon.

"In Me Own Words-The Autobiography of Bigfoot" Words and Pictures by Graham Roumieu. We may not be able to be friends if you don't find this one funny. Seriously. No, I mean it.

This one made me laugh a lot and cry a little. Went a little loooong on the "growing up with kooky parents" thing, but more than made up for it. Someone will have to explain what kind of saint her husband is...

This one won't be for everyone, but I laughed so much while reading the first few chapters that I had to leave the room, as I was reading in the living room and the Mister was reading in the living room and I got scared that if I didn't take my cackling elsewhere he would get annoyed enough to maybe by mistake put a pillow on my face while I slept that night and kneel on it till the kickin' stopped. p.s. my mother bought this for me so if she tells you "she doesn't read smut", she's lying. She thought it was as funny as I did, Andy Dick fake rape schtick and all.

Most anything Mr. Sedaris writes is funny...but when he turns the tables on you and gets down and dirty and emotionally deep, watch out. If you ever have the chance to see him live, jump on it. He's beyond delightful. Also, if you write to him, you will most likely receive a beautiful handwritten response. Crazy bastard doesn't have a computer.

No. 1 is "Coffee". "Architecture", "Public Radio", "Knowing What's Best For Poor People", "Sarah Silverman" and "Natural Childbirth" are some of the other nuggets in this awesomely uncomfortable read. Try not to laugh. I dare you. Bring it to church if you think that would help. It won't. Especially if you're Presbyterian.
Speaking of the lovely Miss Silverman,

Here she is. Her book is everything you thought it would be.
Yes, it's a children's book. I worked in the Children's Department at the library for more than five years. I read a LOT of children's books. Every 9 year old boy I know thinks it's funny too, so that's gotta count for something.

Hilarious. That's the only reason I can think of as to why it's sold so well. It not only didn't turn me on, I think it caused temporary frigidity. It's a complete piece of shit, but if you can get your co-workers to read aloud from it, TOTALLY FUNNY!!! Bonus points if you can get someone in upper management to read the line, "He’s my very own Christian Grey flavor Popsicle." Excuse me while I retch into my very own Christian Grey barf bag.