...the best is yet to be...

Visit Advanced Style~ www.advancedstyle@blogspot.com ~such beauty, such energy, such inspiration!!! Ari Seth Cohen=Genius.
Came across a story in a magazine this morning about a woman who wasn't feeling so good about her aging self. She would look in the mirror, not recognize the woman looking back and felt mournful about the changes her face, skin and hair have undergone. Is this very common? It seems to be, from what I read and see on tv. So...is it weird I don't feel that way? Granted, I'm 45, not 95 but still! It took me a very, very long time to be ok with myself physically, perhaps it's better to struggle with one's younger self- then relax and be at ease with what we look like as we age. No one ever said this journey would be easy, but we certainly don't need to look for ways to make it harder! So...here's to sunscreen, happiness and self acceptance!! xoxo