Well, it seems a state of emergency was prematurely called for our area. All that drama for a slow, drizzly sleet. THEN it started snowing...so now, we'll probably be out in it tomorrow when the roads and walkways are actually going to be far worse than today. My teen-chef daughter made a wonderful "Widow Tweed's Cheddar Soup" which we enjoyed throughout the day, so it was a cozy day spent with the family. Not a bad way to pass time. Though this weather makes me absolutely crave summer.
On top of being "sleeted in" today, a high school friend somehow (after two years of batting the idea around) got me to agree to do the Danskin Triathlon with her on Sandy Hook in September. I told her I am hers for the next six months, she must be in charge of training, motivating and coaching me through to September 11, the date of this event. So, we shall see how this all pans out! I'm pretty psyched to have a fitness goal as lofty as this one, hope the swimming doesn't "sink" me!
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