
White New Year, Blue Moon...

What a year, what a year! Here are some pics of the past week. The little branch library I work at when I'm not at the Main Library is such a pretty little slice of old fashioned America. It looks nothing short of idyllic when it's got a little powdering of snow on it.
Happy, Happy New Year to all...may 2010 bring you health, happiness and lots of love.


Urban Farmhouse

Love the glitter, love the slipcovers, love the egg wreath. I'm in love. Go to: for a little taste of love...


Christmas in Long Branch...

Started decorating the outside of the house...still a way to go, lights etc, but we've at least gotten the ball rolling. The "Christmas in Long Branch" sign was brought home the other day from Shutters. The old metal motel chairs are changed to red and black for winter instead of the periwinkle and sea glass colors of the warmer months. Looking at these pictures I see there is still SO much to do!


We love Barney!!!

Check out Barney Saltzberg's blog: when you get a chance. He is not only ridiculously talented, he's a super nice person. If you've read my blog you know I am his number one fan. (Poor guy!) And if you need to buy Holiday gifts for kids, please allow me to make a suggestion: Get them any of Barney's titles!!! You will be happy you did. Just go to and search Barney's name. And enjoy!!!

p.s. Barney will e-mail you a copy of the "READ" poster above. See his blog for details! His generosity is as great as his books!!


Silver Shoes

My youngest daughter just outgrew the cutest pair of silver shoes and I thought they'd make a great Christmas deco. I found these images of other silver shoes decking the halls and now just need to decide exactly where to put our pair of twinkle toes.


Simple Color Schemes for Christmas...

I am loving a simple, classic look for this Christmas. Photos are from Shutters in Fair Haven and the boots are from I think I'll be sticking with silver, white, blue and a touch of black. My daughters are none too happy with this...last year they called the Christmas tree "Mommy's Tree" to let everyone know I instituted an evil plan to ruin their Christmas by decorating to MY liking for once. Today we've been pulling out the decorations and I'm pretty psyched to see how it all comes together!


Tree Topper on a budget...

The first pic is of anthropologie's mystic tree topper. It better be mystical because they want $387 for it. My friend and arbiter of cool stuff and good taste was pining for it, so...I am doing my best to re-create it. The third pic is where I am now...just some silver eggs and silver cording and possibly some more branches and I will be finished. I'll post the final product when Iget to that point. Hope she likes it. Incidentally I think the entire thing will wind up costing me like $12. Yay me. Sorry, anthro. I love you but...


Thanksgiving Silliness

Ok, the first photos are obviously of vintage metal yard chairs. The next one is my best friend and I jib-jabbed into being beer swilling First Thanksgiving Participants. She will probably kill me when she sees it, but it will be worth it! We have a face book page devoted to our antics (The Chrissy and Tara Show) and I popped the pic right on there. If you're on facebook feel free to take a look. As long as you're not offended by any of the following: profanity, double entendres, making fun of serious issues...if you're good with that then stop by for a visit.

The last pic is, of course, "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving". I had SUCH a good day at work today...did the "Toddler Time" program in the morning and had an awesome group of toddlers and parents. After we read a few books I put on a really fantastic cd to dance to...eesh, I can't remember the proper name of it but it was put out by Pottery Barn. It had "Shout"-which those babies LOVED, "Surfin Safari", "The Name Game", just an eclectic collection of music. The parents liked it because it was definitely not the treacly, weird high-voiced children's type of cd that makes anyone over the age of 2 run screaming from the room. OK, sorry, back to Charlie Brown...during the afternoon program, for older kids (3-8) we read a few stories then put on the movie and did our craft while it was playing. I noticed that Marci was sitting on a version of a "Motel Chair" during their outside popcorn/pretzel/candy meal. As if I wasn't happy enough making turkey decorations with awesome kids...once that caught my eye I knew it was going to be a good day all around. So, I'm a little obsessed with my chairs...I love/hate looking on e-bay for them as there are always a good amount of them, but they're usually in various states of rust and rot. Well, that's it. Long story, road to nowhere, this is where it ends!


Happy Fakesgiving!

OK, every year we celebrate Thanksgiving with my family on the Sunday before "Real Thanksgiving". Hence, our Sunday celebration has now been named "Fakesgiving".
The pics above are just because I am in a Thanksgiving decor state of mind...Tina from Cherry Hill Cottage had chenille slips made for her chairs and I am faint with envy. Second pic is from everyone's favorite store on the Shore, Shutters. Christine is genius and I need to get to Fair Haven to visit STAT. The last photo is I believe from Country Living, but I lost the credit along the way, so I can't be held to it. Well, enjoy your Sunday afternoon and...HAPPY FAKESGIVING!!!


Discarded Books get a little love...

Awesome use of old books...visit Margi Laurin to see how she gives a second life to those poor, unloved library discards. Discarding books is my LEAST favorite task working at the library.



I just love this painting. And I love November. And, with any luck, mojo will return! (Thanks, littlebyrd!!)

The Blackberry Briar: Scent Menu: Spice Chest

The Blackberry Briar: Scent Menu: Spice Chest

Check out Michelle's fantastic array of scents! I will definitely be treating myself to some as well as buying gifts for the upcoming holidays.





Stacy, Stacy, the sister I never had.

Getting ready to see Springsteen play Giants Stadium. Kelly, on the left, is my brother's girlfriend. Sandra (grey shirt, right) and I (grey hair, middle) went to high school together.

Chrissy...words can not begin to describe our friendship. We've known each other since she was 5 and I was 7. I love her so!!!