
Simple Color Schemes for Christmas...

I am loving a simple, classic look for this Christmas. Photos are from Shutters in Fair Haven and the boots are from I think I'll be sticking with silver, white, blue and a touch of black. My daughters are none too happy with this...last year they called the Christmas tree "Mommy's Tree" to let everyone know I instituted an evil plan to ruin their Christmas by decorating to MY liking for once. Today we've been pulling out the decorations and I'm pretty psyched to see how it all comes together!

1 comment:

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Ms. T!!! How AWESOME it was to hear from you! OH my goodness did you make my day girly!!! Hope that you are doing well. I love those color schemes for Christmas! I haven't even put up my Christmas tree yet LOL!!! You give me lots of idea through. Have a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!! BIG OL' Hugs for you girly!