
Just Do It...

Living by the beach provides the ultimate outdoor space for getting fit...mentally and physically.  Eldest daughter and I have been running/walking together lately.  Our town, Long Branch, has a two mile long boardwalk which was ravaged by Superstorm Sandy.  It's still a beautiful route, but just not the same as the old boards...there's a chain link fence now (to keep people off the now-exposed sea wall) and just an asphalt road to run upon.  We drove out to Sandy Hook last Sunday and enjoyed the change of scenery.  The first photo below is of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse (the oldest working lighthouse in the country), the second is looking over from Sandy Hook to Manhattan, the third is North End Beach in Long Branch, the fourth me stretching in Pier Village and the rest are vintage shots of Sandy Hook/Fort Hancock.  I was pretty lazy all last winter and gained the weight to prove it.  By cutting waaaaay down on carbs (my drug of choice) and getting back out to exercise, 12 pounds dropped off pretty effortlessly.  Now to get back to fighting weight I'll have to work a little harder.  Remembering how good it feels after running should help a bit.  Remembering how good it feels to fit in my clothes should help a lot. 

As a goal, Daughter and I may do the Deal 5k in October.  I'll never be fast but at least I can be consistent...

Sandy Hook, once upon a time...

Fort Hancock Hook, Highlands, N.J.

Building 130

 Post Hospital, c. 1930.

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