
NJ Libraries Need Your Help!!!

Want to support New Jersey Libraries?
New Jersey Libraries are facing many challenges today. Please add your voice in support of strong local libraries which provide essential services to you and your family.

Please call Governor Corzine's office (609-292-6000)
and let him know the following:

You are at the library today and wanted to tell him that libraries are important to you and your family and directly impact your quality of life as a resident of New Jersey.

In these difficult economic times more people than ever are using New Jersey libraries. Library usage is rising. People need free access to the Internet.

· It is important to keep state funding for library programs at current levels in the next state budget. State funding for library programs is only $16 million or less than $2.00 per resident. State funding has not increased in 20 years.

· Please no more cuts. Libraries are filling a vital community role.

Please call (609-292-6000) by March 6. 2/19/09

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