
Barney Saltzberg, my new hero

I evaluated Barney Saltzberg's book, "Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready For Baby?" for the Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative. What a gem! I actually laughed aloud, which does happen occasionally but is still a notable response. This book hits new siblinghood right on the head. You must read it to see what I mean. I have long admired his books, they are just amazingly attuned to childhood, its trials and travails! So, I looked up Mr. Saltzberg's website, saw he has a blog, and left a comment on it. Lo and behold, the phone rings up here in the Children's Room of the Library, and it is Mr. Saltzberg. We had a great chat, hopefully I'll get to touch base again with him in the future.
To someone who reads children's books for a living, these moments are rock-star, Ben & Jerry's, over the moon, glow for a week wonderful.
May I suggest you, too, check out Mr. Saltzberg's work? You won't be disappointed. Unless, of course, you have no recollection of childhood, or you don't like children, or you think funny things should be illegal. Otherwise, I KNOW you will love Barney Saltzberg. More to follow with this story...


Christine G said...

How exciting! A great addition to a chapter for *your* book!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I saw these book in barnes and noble and didn't really get a chance to look them over really good. Now I have to go back with cookies and milk in hand and check them out again! Thanks for sharing!