
Uniforms at Work? Well, if we must...

We were recently asked if we would be "willing" to wear uniforms to work IF the city decides all employees should have a standardized dress code. I said no, just for the record, but if we were to be forced into uniforms, what do you think the chances are the city would choose Kors, Klein, Chanel or Thakoon to design our garb? I noticed, looking at the 2011 collections, that there is a very clean, crisp line in many of the designs. We wouldn't look merely professional, we would look polished, professional and AMAZING in these beauties. Ah, well, a girl can dream...


Chelsea Bus Roll

Just purchased this awesome London bus scroll on etsy. Can't wait to get it and have it hanging in our living room. Loving black and white these days, and of course love all things which were once in service and now, re-claimed, serve as art. Check out this etsy seller for more of these:


A Sick Day for Amos McGee

OK, just read this fantastic gem of a children's book today. The illustrations will make you want to cry they are so amazing and the story is a whimsical delight. This is a collaborative work by a husband and wife team, Philip C. and Erin E. Stead. Erin's art is created with woodblock printing and pencil and I hope to see many, many more books by the Steads. (Philip also wrote and illustrated "Creamed Tuna Fish & Peas on Toast"...funny with great collage style illustrations). Pick it up at the book store or of course come on up to the Children's Room and I'll read it to you!


I love this time of year...sad to see Summer go but loving the crispness Autumn brings. The "Halloween Typography" sign is available at and the "Hocus Pocus" can be purchased at: . The "October" silhouette is yours for the taking, it would be cute as an invitation or made into a small sign. And I believe "Country Living" shot the awesome black and white composition. We've been working on Halloweening our little cottage...I'll put some pics up when the last black wreath is hung.


Wedded bliss...

My brother, Sean, married his love, Kelly, yesterday. Or, should I say I married them...they asked me to officiate and I was touched and honored beyond belief. They are two of the most special people I've ever had the honor of knowing, and I wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.



are taking the pace I'm going through...OK, so Bowie sounds better when he sings the song, but I'm feeling the effects of changes these days. Eldest daughter is off to college, we took her last week. This summer has flown by with amazing fleetness. Everyone asks if I cried when we dropped Molly off, the answer is no. She worked hard to get to where she is, this time in our lives is definitely one of adjustment but I'm learning to stop being wistful for the Wonder Years with my sweet girls and, instead, embrace the future and look forward to good things happening for all three of them. So, Time may change me, but I can't trace time...


One Happy Dansk Kvinde!

Photos above are: Copenhagen canal, Maureen and Casey at the entrance to Tivoli, Casey and I at the "Pagoda" in Tivoli, Casey and her Great Aunt Maureen at the Pagoda and, last photo, Maureen with her beloved Great Aunt Sorine at the same Pagoda! I loved when Sorine and her sister Karen came to visit the U.S. from Aalborg...they were delightful, happy, wonderful women and I wish I'd been old enough to have shared more memories with them.

Though we returned from our trip last week, I've not gotten around to posting about it...I was facebooking pretty obsessively while we were still in Europe, so now it's time to update this poor neglected little blog. My daughter, Casey, (15, nearly 16), my Aunt Maureen (not much older than I am, therefore more like a big sister) and I were a very compatible trio, which made traveling really pleasant and stress free. We were able to see SO MUCH in two grandmother's beautiful, fairy tale like birthplace Nykobing Mors, the amazingly clean and happy city of Copenhagen, the huge world cup fueled party in Amsterdam and even made it to Bruges, for a day! Never mind spending a weekend in Germany! We used our time well and Maureen was an excellent tour guide/travel agent/family historian!
Before we left for this holiday, I found myself asking the question, "will this trip be able to meet my hopes for it?" and I am grateful to say it not only met my expectations but far surpassed them. It was a strange sense, landing in a country I'd never been to yet feeling like I was home...Denmark went straight to my heart and I hope to return many times in the future. It is, for me, a sort of DisneyWorld, a place which seems nearly too good to be true. And that is a wonderful thing. I feel like Peter Pan, urging everyone who believes in fairies to clap their Tink. There was an amazing sense of wonder for me, visiting Tivoli, one of the oldest amusement parks in Europe, site of my Great Grandparents meeting each other (they were at a dance and pulled the same number, 13, which sent them dancing together, not only for that night but the rest of my Great Grandmother Valborg's life...) and having my sweet daughter with me...I felt a lightness, a pure happiness which I embraced and am trying to hold on to. Again like Peter, I do believe, I do believe... More to come on our trip, just wanted to touch base and put a few photos up. xoxo


Something's Gotta Give...

LOVED the home in the movie "Something's Gotta Give" crisp, cottagey and beachy without being overly thematic or cutesy...makes me want to grab a book and relax.


What's shakin' on the shore...

SO busy lately, but two things of note. Rufus Wainwright is coming to ASBURY PARK!!! Just can't wait. Tix go on sale tomorrow and the show is August 1.

Did a photo shoot today with the amazing Andrea Dorman Phox. And, featured prominently is "the" red dress which I was so psyched about in the previous post. Twenty bucks never looked so good, if I say so myself!!! Andrea is wonderful, if you're in the tri-city area and need a photog I strongly suggest you look her up!!! We shot in a "secret garden" and it was a great, relaxed day of beautiful work!!! Check out Andrea's work at: or OR become a fan on facebook:!/pages/Andrea-Phox-Photography

Mmmm hmmmm...Missus Beasley may have out-shopped herself today. While at anthropologie, storming the sale room, I found this incredibly lovely red dress for...$49.95. Ta-da! I hadnt seen it there before, unlike the items I sometimes stalk till they are relegated to the sale room. Oh, but my day was to become ever so much better. When we got to the check-out, the anthro-girl couldn't find the proper sku #. She was apologetic and calm and had to attempt to find the proper sku number via computer and it just wasn't working...I'm a mellow shopper and didn't mind the delay at all, though I felt a little trepidation that, it being April Fool Day, she would find out the dress really cost $200. She, ingenious girl she was, actually remembered which catalogue it was in and looked it up that way (there was a stash of them in a drawer behind the counter). She found it and announced after ringing in the numbers, that this beautiful find was...prepare yourself...$19.95. Words which brought tears of joy to this cheapskates eyes. As my youngest brother is getting married to the greatest woman in the world in October, I do believe I have my dress! p.s. Original price was $188.


Pretty in Pink in the Kitchen

Since, after the reno we've done, the kitchen needs to be painted, I've been looking for something which "feels right". Surprisingly enough, pink has been presenting itself as a possibility. I like the sweet, retro feel pink lends itself to. We'll have to wait and see, as I currently don't have the time to invest in a kitchen makeover. But I do love to look!


Secrets for Spring, by Shannon Richardson, oil on canvas, 20" x 24"

I love this painting, the title, everything about it. Speaking of "Secrets for Spring", what are some of yours? One of the most crucial "secrets" has got to be what we do in Autumn-months ahead of Spring...planting crocuses and hyacinth are musts for me. The past few days it's been a bit warmer here at the Shore and my Spring bulbs are pushing up and saying hello. What a welcome sight they are after an extraordinarily long-feeling Winter. Seriously, it seemed as if we were in an endless cycle of storms and darkness. And parts of the area are still recovering from the Nor'Easter which hit last weekend. We were so lucky, but (unable to stay away from the lure of the ocean) when we went down to check out the beachfront it was seriously scary. The sand was blowing horizontally and the waves were pushing foam out onto the road. Crazy exciting.


"The Old Painted Cottage"

OK, when you have time may I suggest you check out Jennifer's awesome site, "The Old Painted Cottage". Particularly her "Cottage of the Month", which she's been putting together since 2006. It is seriously in, you will want to look at every cottage from every month from the past four years and next thing you know, 2 hours have gone by. Worth every minute! Like taking a REALLY good house tour but without any fussy, show-offy Junior Leaguers bossing you around. Have fun!


Snow Mickey

My youngest daughter and I made a "Snow Mickey"...after shoveling out my car, of course! Tomorrow I'd like to attempt a snow fort. With all the drifts it shouldn't be too hard. I'm learning to roll with the punches, or at least roll with the snowflakes!


Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop...

View from the Children's Room in the Library...overlooking Slocum Park.
It does look pretty, all this snow, but between working full time, mothering 3 teenaged girls and life in general, I have no time for snow. I hate the time it takes to clean my car, shovel it out and drive on slippery roads! With crazy Jersey drivers! It makes everything more difficult. Please, Spring, come soon! Please?
If anyone is in the mood for a quirky, funny, touching book, pick up Merrill Markoe's "Walking In Circles Before Lying Down". I'm loving it!


Beautiful Blog...

OK, one of the magical "Shutters Sisters" has started a blog and it is beyond lovely. She has an eye which is just incredible! The "Pink" picture is one of the invitations to her daughter's first birthday party...and of course I love the mini motel chair in the other photo. After looking at Jill's blog I'm going to have to put in some time tonight and do some plastic surgery on this one. Take a won't be disappointed!


Charcoal Ceiling...

These are the "Ralph" colors, suggested by the Rain Man of decorating herself. I think they would look great touched off by a charcoal ceiling...

I am obsessing over the charcoal ceiling in the above dining room shot...we are having our living room and dining room ceilings repaired after an absolutely disastrous go-round with some grant money we were eligible for and the contractor the city picked to do the work. He opened the roof then LEFT IT UNTARPED WHILE THERE WAS A VERITABLE MONSOON HAPPENING. If only someone had taken photos of me DANGLING CHRISSY, BEST FRIEND EVER, BY HER ANKLES OUT AN ATTIC WINDOW AS SHE ATTEMPTED TO SECURE A TARP OVER THE OPEN MAW OF MY ROOF!!! Not a bright spot in our home-owning history. It's funny how I have absolute guilt attacks if someone asks me to re-new a book for them (while I'm perusing the grocery store shelves) and I don't do it right away upon returning to work, yet there are people in this world who will leave your roof open to the tune of flooding your home from attic to cellar and not think twice about it.

In any case, I've been trying to figure out an appropriate design plan to tie in a charcoal ceiling to our Craftsman Bungalow dining will come to me eventually. Perhaps even in time to have the ceiling guy do it! Along with having the ceilings patched and plastered I need to paint the dining room walls.

While hosting the delightful Sandra for dinner last night (homemade chicken enchiladas for her, veggie enchiladas for me thanks to genius chef 15 year old daughter) she, who eschews all talk/dreaming/planning of decorating, suggested the Ralph Lauren suede-finish paint in a perfect color. (see swatches above) She acted, afterward, as if she'd been struck by lightning. "What just happened? I don't even care about paint color. I didn't even KNOW about Ralph Lauren suede paint, I swear. What the hell was in that enchilada?". Delightful. She then said, "Well, you're not actually going to take my advice, are you? YOU'RE the one who likes to decorate. YOU'RE the one with 'the eye'". This all just proves that inspiration strikes where it likes, not where it's sought. That or there really was some magic in those enchiladas.


I'm not going to be in today...

Pop in a video and call it "Toddler Time"...

Sick Day Procedural:

Last evening: Got into bed early (had to catch up on the Real Housewives from last week so as to know what's the what this week). Fell asleep before new episode even hit the screen. Yay...sleeping, sleeping.

2:37 a.m. Middle daughter awakens me. Seems youngest daughter is sick. Like already thrown up in her bed sick.

2:42 Stripping bed, comforting upset, vomit laden child who is hugging the bowl like a frat boy.

2:58 Have re-settled puker, know there's no way I'll be falling back to sleep so traipse down to hang out with cat and watch "Snapped" a show which my family loathes - are they afraid I'll be next to Snap???

3:47 Up. Murder show. Cat ditched me.

4:07 Yay. "How Clean is Your House"!!! I feel like Martha Freaking Stewart after watching the filth people have surrounded themselves in. My personal faves broadcast on this show are overflowing cat boxes, overflowing ashtrays and overflowing stretch pants.

5:34 Check facebook. See some friends are actually awake and on. Leave sad status update about puke a thon. Receive instant sympathy and offers of "if there's anything I can do". How I love facebook.

6:07 Begin obsessing about calling out sick from work. KEEP IN MIND: 2 weeks ago I was sick, fever and all, went to work because that is a less stressful proposition than calling out sick, and my house got robbed. While I was at work. Sick.

Can't leave sick child home alone. Robbers may come back and steal her. Hate calling out sick because it's always fraught with drama. There's no one else to do Toddler Time. How will we do Toddler Time? Oh my God, how can there not be a Toddler Time? My suggestion would be to put out a box of wine and paper cups, turn the hokey pokey up as loud as it goes and have the best Toddler Time ever.

Speaking of calling out sick, can someone please tell me isn't it typical to call one's place of employment and not have to track your supervisor down at home to let it be known there will be no Toddler Time today??? Our (totally made-up) official policy is to call our supervisors before 8:00 a.m. Even though they don't come to work till 10. I've never had a job where you have to first try the cell phone (off) of supervisor, then talk to supervisor's adult son on their house phone (pleasantry, pleasantry, is your mom up and about?) then finally get supervisor out of shower just to say, UM, So very sorry but I won't be in today.
Allright, all, do have a wonderful day.


Ugly brown shelves no more...

We have a set of shelves in our kitchen which, for the past few years have annoyed me every time I walked past them. They were a really homely mud brown and seemed to be a catch-all for all sorts of, freshened with a coat of white paint, they are quite cute if I say so myself.


Does it make the world go round?

Happy Valentine's Day...may your day be brightened by love in some form...the love of wonderful friends, the uncompromising love of parents, the unconditional love of a child...the absolutely necessary but so often neglected love of ourselves. Do something nice for yourself today. You deserve it. You are loved.


Blizzard 2010

Well, it seems a state of emergency was prematurely called for our area. All that drama for a slow, drizzly sleet. THEN it started now, we'll probably be out in it tomorrow when the roads and walkways are actually going to be far worse than today. My teen-chef daughter made a wonderful "Widow Tweed's Cheddar Soup" which we enjoyed throughout the day, so it was a cozy day spent with the family. Not a bad way to pass time. Though this weather makes me absolutely crave summer.
On top of being "sleeted in" today, a high school friend somehow (after two years of batting the idea around) got me to agree to do the Danskin Triathlon with her on Sandy Hook in September. I told her I am hers for the next six months, she must be in charge of training, motivating and coaching me through to September 11, the date of this event. So, we shall see how this all pans out! I'm pretty psyched to have a fitness goal as lofty as this one, hope the swimming doesn't "sink" me!